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Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian

Graduate Residency Program

Graduate Residency Program - Campus Ministry


网赌最好最大平台 Graduate Ministers will accompany the 网赌最好最大平台 Campus Minister and Student Services staff in providing holistic ministry to the 网赌最好最大平台 family. They will do this by assisting in various areas of spiritual formation such as, but not limited to, weekly chapel services, life groups, student leadership, pastoral care, and events. They will be under the direct supervision of the 网赌最好最大平台 Campus Minister, becoming immersed in practical ministry experience in a diverse campus setting.


The Campus Ministry Graduate Residency Program aims to…

• aid young ministers in discovering God’s will for their life in ministry.
• expand the reach of Campus Ministry, inviting new perspectives and experiences to the table.
• reach students with the love of Christ.

• promote spiritual formation, hospitality, unity, and inclusivity.


• Assist 网赌最好最大平台 Campus Ministry in developing & executing spiritual formation initiatives.
• Help lead & oversee the Undergraduate Student Ministry Team (Core Ambassadors)
• Assist in training, leading, and traveling with 网赌最好最大平台 reach program.
• Preach once in chapel per semester.
• Develop & execute one spiritual formation event per semester.
• Respond to students spiritual needs as they arise.
• Meet weekly with Campus Minister.
• Assist with Campus Ministry office work (i.e. Chapel attendance, ministry openings page, social media engagement)
• May specialize in a specific area upon request (i.e. Life Groups, Worship, Outreach, Athletics, Diversity Initiatives, etc.)
• Assist Student Services in Residential Life.


The Graduate Residency Program intends to provide practical experience, accompanied with academic studies, for 1-2 years students who are:

• Graduates in the areas of Biblical Studies, Theology, or Ministry (students with an undergraduate degree from Kentucky Christian University may receive preference); and,
• Students who have been accepted into a Graduate program with 网赌最好最大平台’s Keeran School of Bible & Ministry.

• Must maintain a 3.0 GPA
• Must be enrolled in no more than 9 credits per semester.
• Enrolled in one of the following programs:

• Master of Arts in Biblical Studies
• Master of Arts in Christian Leadership
• Master of Arts in Religion

Knowledge, Abilities, and Skills:

• sympathetic to the beliefs and mission of the Restoration Movement
• committed to regular spiritual formation practices and disciplines
• passion for working in a ethnically and spiritually diverse community
• spiritual and emotional maturity
• good communication & conflict resolution skills
• ability to maintain confidentiality


Jake Ratliff, Campus Minister; 606-474-3277

Donald Damron, Vice President of Student Services; 606-474-3288


Steps for Applying:

1. Submit a resume with 3 references to the Campus Minister (

2. Submit an essay (2-4 pages in length) to the Campus Minister answering the following questions:

a. What does ministry mean to you in your own words?
b. What are you goals upon the completion of your studies?
c. How may this program help you accomplish those goals?
d. In what areas do you think this program will help you improve?

3. Apply and Gain Acceptance (or conditional acceptance) to a 网赌最好最大平台 Graduate Program in the Keeran School of Bible & Ministry.


1. Non-Married Students will be provided individual housing within one of 网赌最好最大平台’s residential dorms; assisting housing directors in residential life.
2. Married Students will have a 1-2 bedroom apartment reserved at a reduced monthly rate.

Tuition: Full-tuition scholarship.

Meals: Graduate Ministers will be provided with a fully-funded meal plan.


When it comes to our students, at the heart of 网赌最好最大平台’s mission and vision is the desire to develop the whole person. Achieving academic excellence and establishing personal relationships are important, but it is our belief that true transformation only takes place as a result of an intimate relationship with God the Father, through the person of Jesus Christ the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in the lives of believers. That’s why, at 网赌最好最大平台 you will discover a Christ-centered community of faculty, staff, and students committed to growing in their relationship with Christ by integrating their faith into every facet of their life, both on and off campus.

We are a Christian university by design and proudly continue to live out an over 100 year old tradition of infusing faith and education in such a way that empowers our students to be catalysts for Kingdom advancement and global impact. It’s what sets us apart from other universities and it ‘s what gets us out of bed in the morning. Our curriculum is designed to integrate faith and learning by teaching students how their faith applies to their chosen career path, but it’s more than that. It’s the times of prayer and devotional lessons with your professors in the classroom or the personal mentorship that same professor offers you outside of class. It’s chapel service twice a week, dorm devotions with your RA’s, worship nights in the Nash Chapel, and mission trips to foreign countries. At 网赌最好最大平台, you can be sure that you will have the opportunity to not only grow academically and socially, but spiritually as well.

We pursue this holistic ministry through four key areas rooted in scripture: Spiritual Formation, Hospitality, Unity, & Inclusivity. Founded on the key principles of active love found in Romans 12, we hope that every student who walks on our campus knows that they are loved more than they could ever know by Jesus Christ. And it is because of that love, that we can in turn love one another well as a campus family.

Investment of Time, Prayer, and Love

“I’ll never forget how the Bible and Ministry professors at 网赌最好最大平台 cared about me as a person. They didn’t just see me as a student number. They invested time, prayer, and love into my life and my ministry, and I’m eternally thankful for their influence.”

Iphania Auguste, Class of 2022